ماكينة تحضير القهوة Cafelffe خمسة في واحد.
السعر الأصلي هو: ر.س1,103.00.ر.س439.83السعر الحالي هو: ر.س439.83.
ماكينة Cafelffe 5 في 1 هي ماكينة تحضير وصنع قهوة مثالية . بفضل توافقها مع العديد من أنواع الكبسولات والقهوة المطحونة، توفر لك هذه الماكينة المرونة في تحضير مشروبك المفضل بسهولة وسرعة. تجربة فريدة لعشاق القهوةالتوافق: متوافقة مع كبسولات دولتشي جوستو، نسبريسو، كبسولات ESE، القهوة المطحونة، وكبسولات K-cup.الضغط: مضخة بقدرة 19 بار لاستخلاص قهوة غنية بالكريمة والنكهة.التحضير: وضع مزدوج ساخن/بارد لتحضير مشروبك المفضل في أي وقت.اللون: أبيض.نوع القابس: EU.السعة: أقل من 5 أكواب.
ماكينة تحضير القهوة Cafelffe 5 في 1 – تجربة فريدة لعشاق القهوة
مقدمة: تعد ماكينة صنع و تحضير القهوة من الأحهزة المنزلية المهمة لدى عشاق القهوة , إذا كنت تبحث عن ماكينة قهوة متعددة الاستخدامات توفر لك تجربة تحضير قهوة احترافية، فإن ماكينة Cafelffe 5 في 1 هي الخيار المثالي. بفضل توافقها مع العديد من أنواع الكبسولات والقهوة المطحونة، توفر لك هذه الماكينة المرونة في تحضير مشروبك المفضل بسهولة وسرعة.
إرشادات الاستخدام الأولي: قبل الاستخدام الأول أو بعد فترة توقف طويلة (مثل العطلات)، قد يكون من الصعب ضخ الماء في الماكينة. لتسهيل هذه العملية، يمكن استخدام الأنبوب لملء الماء يدويًا في الدائرة قبل تشغيل الماكينة لأول مرة لإعادة التعبئة.
أبرز مميزات المنتج:
★ تصميم متوافق 5 في 1: تدعم ماكينة القهوة كبسولات نسبرسو الأصلية، دولتشي جوستو، كبسولات K-cup، كبسولات ESE، بالإضافة إلى القهوة المطحونة. هذا التنوع يلغي الحاجة إلى شراء عدة ماكينات لتحضير أنواع مختلفة من القهوة.
★ مؤشرات LED القابلة للبرمجة: تتيح لك الماكينة ضبط حجم التخمير حسب عدد الأشرطة الموجودة على كبسولات دولتشي جوستو، مما يساعدك في تحضير الإسبريسو، اللونجو، أو الأمريكانو بسهولة خلال دقيقة واحدة فقط.
★ نظام استخلاص مزدوج ساخن/بارد: يمكنك التبديل بين وضعي التخمير الساخن والبارد بسهولة عبر الضغط المطول على زر التشغيل/الإيقاف لمدة ثانيتين. استمتع بالقهوة المثلجة في الصيف والمشروبات الساخنة في الشتاء.
★ نظام تسخين قوي: تم تجهيز ماكينة الإسبريسو بنظام تسخين فوري وضغط مستقر بقوة 19 بار، مما يضمن استخلاصًا مثاليًا مع كريمة غنية. يستغرق التسخين المسبق 35 ثانية فقط، لتستمتع بكوب من القهوة العطرية بسرعة.
★ تصميم مدمج وأنيق: بفضل أبعادها الصغيرة (عرض 4.33 بوصة × عمق 10.83 بوصة × ارتفاع 10.43 بوصة)، لا تشغل الماكينة مساحة كبيرة، مما يجعلها مثالية للمطبخ، زاوية القهوة، المقاهي الصغيرة، أو المكتب.
المواصفات التقنية:
★ العلامة التجارية: Cafelffe
★ الموديل: MK-606
★ ضغط المضخة: 19 بار
★ الجهد الكهربائي: 220-240V
الخاتمة: تجمع ماكينة Cafelffe 5 في 1 بين الأداء القوي والتصميم المدمج، مما يجعلها الخيار الأمثل لعشاق القهوة. بفضل ميزاتها المتطورة وإمكانية تحضير مجموعة واسعة من المشروبات، ستمنحك هذه الماكينة تجربة قهوة مثالية في كل مرة.
المواصفات: ماكينة تحضير القهوة Cafelffe خمسة في واحد.
70 reviews for ماكينة تحضير القهوة Cafelffe خمسة في واحد.
Add a review
السعر الأصلي هو: ر.س1,103.00.ر.س439.83السعر الحالي هو: ر.س439.83.
Branda Goshorn –
Arrived quickly and safely and with UK plug. Looks the business. Looking forward to my coffee time!
Klemens Totleben –
Compliant and fast delivery
Ellie Julius –
The product is the one found in the sale works the coffee comes out creamy but after several coffees it continues to have a taste of metal you do not feel the perfume of coffee but rather of a smell that cannot be described. I’ll try for a few more days to try with different capsules then I’ll let you know
Kemberly Roza –
Arrived after the schedule, all right, after having tried it I will comment if everything works as planned, if the coffee will be creamy and good.
Emmanuel Gillie –
The machine is greatIt is necessary to clean and run a lot of hot water, chemical smell very very strong, I did not receive the spoon which allows me to balance the coffee and to settle the coffeeDamage
Samirah Hood –
It’s a shame. There is no Korean version in the manual. There is an English version, but many are missing. I ‘d rather look at the French version ….. especially when the water comes out cold, but when you turn it off, it’s power. The button turns on red. At this time, when you press the coffee cup shape, the hot water comes out. Just press the power button once more in this state or pass a little time it turns blue and comes out cold water.
And it comes out a lot of bubbles. Still, many types of kerpung products are available, so it is recommended ….. It is inexpensive and easy to stay. Please refer to the French version for the Cheongoh method. This is Mudisy? That’s How to use parts.
Sigmund Bruckmann –
It works perfect but there is an aftertaste from the Machine you can taste it in the coffee and I have used a good few pods four of them to be precise I am hoping it will go away after a few more cups that is the only issue but other than that I am very very happy with the product and I do recommend it to others I am very happy I have received I will definitely buy from this company again thank you very much
Renesmae Knapp –
Works great with dolce and nespresso! Very pleased with the machine.
Roderick Roth –
I won’t open the packaging because I’m going to present it. I think it’s better than the previous model. If I ordered the next day, I’ll buy it at a discount.
Xose Mendez –
Is really cool
Lorean Soni –
It’s a shame. There is no Korean version in the manual. There is an English version, but many are missing. I ‘d rather look at the French version ….. especially when the water comes out cold, but when you turn it off, it’s power. The button turns on red. At this time, when you press the coffee cup shape, the hot water comes out. Just press the power button once more in this state or pass a little time it turns blue and comes out cold water.
And it comes out a lot of bubbles. Still, many types of kerpung products are available, so it is recommended ….. It is inexpensive and easy to stay. Please refer to the French version for the Cheongoh method. This is Mudisy? That’s How to use parts.
Germain Beaumont –
It works perfect but there is an aftertaste from the Machine you can taste it in the coffee and I have used a good few pods four of them to be precise I am hoping it will go away after a few more cups that is the only issue but other than that I am very very happy with the product and I do recommend it to others I am very happy I have received I will definitely buy from this company again thank you very much
Vladimiro De Angelo –
I won’t open the packaging because I’m going to present it. I think it’s better than the previous model. If I ordered the next day, I’ll buy it at a discount.
Wendi Raver –
Works great with dolce and nespresso! Very pleased with the machine.
Ildefonso Sollami –
The product is the one found in the sale works the coffee comes out creamy but after several coffees it continues to have a taste of metal you do not feel the perfume of coffee but rather of a smell that cannot be described. I’ll try for a few more days to try with different capsules then I’ll let you know
Niam Mullins –
The machine is greatIt is necessary to clean and run a lot of hot water, chemical smell very very strong, I did not receive the spoon which allows me to balance the coffee and to settle the coffeeDamage
Carla Poole –
Arrived after the schedule, all right, after having tried it I will comment if everything works as planned, if the coffee will be creamy and good.
Craig Piro –
Is really cool
Lanie Edwin –
I tested it with a Nespreso capsule, and the performance is good and the taste is good.
I am very satisfied with the multifunction and the price is good.
Iside Casaletto –
Arrived quickly and safely and with UK plug. Looks the business. Looking forward to my coffee time!
Mammie Aguiniga –
Yesterday received the shipment. Very good quality. I got it quickly. I recommend it to you
Demarcus Mcmullen –
All fully functional, satisfied
Micael Montes –
Well, it remains to be proven
Dieter Krist –
It’s less big… sound heavy and… good.
Kathi Okamura –
Great product, great price, prompt delivery.
Shante Dezern –
Bonnie Montes –
Is not complete wrong filter
Della Drew –
Very good, I recommend
Takako Ream –
It’s a lot of noise… I put a sponge pad on the floor and I’m using it.
Windy Milnes –
For now everything is fine, it does not take long to arrive.
Olevia Lauder –
Very beautiful and easy to use
Major Woodrum –
Compliant and fast delivery
Alfredo Lamanna –
I was mainly using Dolce, but I received a Ness capsule as a gift, so I bought it because I thought it would be better to get one that does everything.
Adjusting the amount of water is slightly less or more than desired, but I am very satisfied because convenience and versatility are more valuable.
When dispensing ground coffee beans, about 10 to 12 g and 4 to 5 water adjustments are okay.
Maximilien Chopin –
My package arrived very soon and in good condition. When I tried the coffee maker we thought it didn’t work, I was sad and I asked for return, but when I put it in his box I realized that it is for 220 v sockets and I am from Mexico here the electricity is 110, I tested it in a one that has a 220 v outlet and it works when
100, so if they are from Mexico, buy a converter or have 220v to make it work at 100
Adella Tarry –
Okay .. the cup size you can use is slightly smaller, but the taste is good
Contracal spine
Patty Balser –
Yuvraj Wolf –
arrived in time well packed tried it very good awesome
Enrique Lutz –
Mahi Reid –
I will be commenting… In principle it works perfect .. Quality is unsurpassed… Let’s hope it lasts because I am very coffee… Very sparkling and tasty cappuccino…
Ira Forster –
Very well the very complete coffee maker, the only one took a long time to come but hey, since I was not in a hurry, I saw that it took too long but in the end I say this does not come
Diedra Spath –
Well received.
Joseph Garreau –
Good device but not as useful as the really Dolce Gusto
Devon Huntoon –
Coffee maker’s great. Fast delivery. Makes good coffee.
Gage Edmonds –
I can’t make a coffee. I don’t even feel that I heat the water. I’m doing something wrong?
Jaqueline Phipps –
I did not receive any parcel and I am in dispute for the return of my purchase the parcel No longer exists in my locality. Which is Silao Guanajuato, and to date I have no solution with the seller and neither of Ali Express .. Did not water your package and do not change direction
Alpha Um –
hi was going return this item ax when put dolce pod in the handle wouldn’t relise but after why it did open after it cold down .I have made a bigger hole in dolce and working not sure as it new machine it doing it .so decided to keep it
Oscar Álvarez –
Avoid horrendous chemical smell even after 8 litre of water and 500ml white vinegar.
spoke to chat totally useless did not help one bit. the smell is really strong from the internals as I washed all loose parts in fairy liquid they don’t smell but the fluid coming out of it is a very strong chemical.
Fukumoto Shusake –
Je n’ai pas reçu la commande deposis plus d’un mois et l’argent ne m’a pas été remboursé parcette société
Pas bon. N’achetez pas chez cette enterprise. Elle ne vous end pas l’argent.
I have not received the order for more than a month and I have not been refunded the money to this company
Not good.Don’t buy from this company. She’s lying to you. Don’t refund money, steal money.
Aasiyah Haney –
Prudence Rodden –
Chae Jiang –
looks good makes good coffee
Fritz Filippi –
It was delivered before expected date. Everything seems OK except that I ordered UK plug but EU plug was delivered. Now I have to buy an adaptor to use it.
Liberatore Accordino –
It is an excellent device, by its dimensions and solidity and above all, with several options.
The water tank is a little fragile and it is not well fixed, which often causes water leakage.
Marlen Akhmetov –
Coffee machine stone is used to Gustto
I bought what I wanted capsule coffee. I made a few carrot deals as a standard miss, then bought 3in1 at a high price this coveted gift and courtship with 5in1. I forgot it was made in China.
It seems to be an OEM product for domestic consumption in China.
Dolcevosto needs to clean the yellow skin.
This is an automatic nozzle cleaning line function before the coffee is unloaded.
Disadvantages The electric motor driving sound in the water is large.
A dozen seconds, but the noise.
Lelah Pelosi –
Lluciano Marcos –
Valtena Amodei –
Shanda Gatling –
Daanyal Shepard –
Gérald Courbet –
Reiko Jeanlouis –
Moriya Masanobu –
Marchelle Dowden –
Anacleto Adornetto –
Efan Wharton –
Clarita Pursell –
Lakisha Mullenix –
Wyger drugs are too much. If I pumped it a few times, it would disappear. No CCC box is also abandoned, so you can’t return it. I think I’ll do more, and if it doesn’t go away, I’ll throw it away. Don’t.
Susann Masson –
Verline Cordon –
Aamir Boyd –